NewsNews and Legislative UpdatesNewsletter Supreme Court rules on religious freedom; Action alert on funding for refugees and unaccompanied minors This week began with a positive decision of the U.S. Supreme Court. The Court ruled…ICC-TomJuly 3, 2014
News and Legislative UpdatesNewsletter June 2014 ICC newsletter The Iowa bishops have released a statement on the humanitarian issue on the southern border…ICC-TomJune 26, 2014
Immigration and RefugeesNews and Legislative UpdatesPolicy Briefs Iowa bishops’ statement on humanitarian situation at the border – June 2014 A November 2013 report from the U.S. Catholic bishops’ Committee on Migration alerted us to…ICC-TomJune 26, 2014
NewsReligious Liberty Fortnight for Freedom The Diocese of Des Moines is participating in the third annual Fortnight for Freedom, a…ICC-TomJune 16, 2014